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The function `create_list_presences` creates a matrix of presences based on a population of individuals and the matrix of presences.


create_list_presences(pop, presences, formula_prob, coef_values)



A baseline population from which one will select individuals to arrive and leave in a number of years.


A matrix of presences of all the individuals in the population for a number of years.


A linear predictor formula to calculate the probability of appearing in such a list.


The values for each coefficient to be used in the linear predictor defined in `formula_prob`. The coefficients will be used considering a logit link function.


A matrix with the information of the detection (1) or non detection (0) for each individual of the population considering a number of years of observation.



# creating main population
main_pop <- create_population(
  size = 500,
  n_cat_var = 3,
  prob_bin = c(0.5))

# creating matrix of presences.
presences <- create_presences(main_pop,
                              formula_phi = ~ bin1,
                              coef_values = c(2, -1),
                              varying_arrival = TRUE,
                              const_rate_arrival = FALSE,
                              years = 3)

# creating list1 observation as a function of bin1
list1 <- create_list_presences(main_pop, presences,
                               ~ bin1,
                               c(1.5, -0.5))

# checking the conditional distribution of list1 given bin1
prop.table(table(main_pop$bin1, list1[,1]), 1)
#>             0         1
#>   0 0.6173285 0.3826715
#>   1 0.7040359 0.2959641

# creating list1 observation as a function of cat1, that needs two
# coefficients, because cat1 has 3 categories.
list2 <- create_list_presences(main_pop, presences,
                               ~ cat1,
                               c(-0.5, -0.5, 1.0))

# checking the conditional distribution of list2 given bin1
prop.table(table(main_pop$bin1, list2[, 1]), 1)
#>             0         1
#>   0 0.7978339 0.2021661
#>   1 0.8026906 0.1973094

# checking the conditional distribution of list2 given cat1
prop.table(table(main_pop$cat1, list2[, 1]), 1)
#>             0         1
#>   A 0.8117155 0.1882845
#>   B 0.8600000 0.1400000
#>   C 0.6936937 0.3063063